
The Brain's Way Of Healing By Benedict Carey

Decent Essays

I've always wanted to attend college. For me it was always a question of where to go? And how I’d afford it? Rather than will I go? My dad, however, encouraged me to think about why I wanted to go to college. What was driving me? Was it because college was what everyone expected me to do? Or was it bigger than that? He told me that going to college just because all of my peers were going, wasn’t really a good reason. For a long time, I didn’t have a good answer to that question, other than I just love to learn. That was before I discovered neuroscience.
After that discovery, the brain became a bit of an obsession. I've always been fascinated by how people think, and wondered what the underlying structures of cognition and memory are. I think my obsession started after reading, "How We Learn" by Benedict Carey. I was so intrigued by the counterintuitive methods of learning he proposed. Since then, I’ve read extensively in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. One book that was particularly influential for me was Norman Doidge’s “The Brain’s Way of Healing;” which introduced me to neuroplasticity. His book made me realize the incredible potential for research in neuroscience. How everyone can benefit from it, especially the 1 in 6 of the world’s population that suffer from neurological …show more content…

I want to be a part of growing our understanding of how the brain works and how to help it run optimally. I want to learn what causes chronic pain? And what we can do about it? Or how best do we learn and how can we remember better? I think research in neuroscience has so much to offer the world. There's such a vast amount we don't know about the brain and it seems the room for exploration is endless. I want to explore. I want to learn and contribute to this field. I believe that neuroscience is the way I can contribute to my community and the world. I want to do research that will hopefully change

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