
The Brand Of Brand Loyalty

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Furthermore, the publication suggests that the brand loyalty is correlated with market share. So, the bigger the company is, the more loyalty among its customers. And, this is true because the more people get to know the company, its services, and its products, the more brand identity it will form among current customers. Also, large companies benefit from having more loyal customers because they engage in word-of-mouth activities which can potentially attract more customers. So, there are many ways in which a company can increase their loyalty levels. But, when it comes to increasing market share, a better way could involve the increase in revenues among consumers. This can be done by opening more stores, offering products online, and by offering volume discounts. And, as a result, the company may be able to increase revenues and potentially increase its market share. Eventually, it could lead to an increase in the amount of loyal customers overall. Moreover, it can be said that loyalty programs and other related marketing activities can only make a difference in the long-run because the result are hardly noticeable in the short-run due to the fact that it takes time for a buyer to become an actual loyal customer.
When it comes to developing a well-designed loyalty program, marketers should take into account the value being offered to consumers with respect to the prices of the products. This means that a company should offer reasonable rewards to the customers after they

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