
Essay on The Cause of the Current Foreclosure Crisis

Better Essays

The current foreclosure crisis is arguably the greatest economic disaster to strike the US since the Great Depression. It is the culmination of a number of factors; an economic "perfect storm" if you will. What makes this current downturn more pronounced is that much of it could have been avoided. While a simple prescription of "how to fix things" would be lovely, it's also not possible. Mammoth problems can be slowly healed, but understanding is the first step in that process.

To understand what created the foreclosure crisis, a person must research a great deal into the functioning of both the financial and real estate systems. Therein lies the first problem! Offshore funneling of assets, missing records of loan debt ownership, and …show more content…

Traditionally, prime mortgages (such as the 30 year mortgage) required proof of income, good credit, and a down payment of 10-20% of the home's value[2]. This arrangement has worked well for over 50 years, allowing for slow but secure real estate investments by bank. Borrowers had to be more financially solvent prior to being given a home loan, and in turn were less likely to default on loans. Some homeowners might default, but they were fewer in number and were offset by the vast majority of stable owners who made payments. Banks profited, and home values rose at a steady rate (meaning the home you bought today would be worth more tomorrow; home ownership was a good investment).
In the housing boom at the turn of the millennium however, home values skyrocketed for years. A person could buy a home for $150,000, hold onto it for 3 years, and sell it with little difficulty for $200,000; everybody wanted and could now have a home due to sub-prime mortgages[1][4]. The "promise of profit" is what drove this phantom Juggernaut for the years of the housing boom. However, the system breaks down when borrowers begin to miss payments. Banks begin to foreclose on these properties as in the past. Some borrowers may turn to their credit to make payments, eventually falling into credit card debt as well.

Then came the recession. As job loss began to climb, more and more homeowners began defaulting on mortgages (in real

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