
The Classroom Reflection

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This movie, The Classroom, which was very interesting to watch, discusses all that goes on in the school system, the good and the bad. But it also shows how things at home can affect the way the student acts during the school day. This movie definitely makes you look at students that act out differently, instead of punishing them maybe we should all look deeper into the issue and find a way for the student to thrive and use school as an outlet. The Classroom shows all the issues in the school system which is caused by a leader that doesn’t know how to lead, effecting the teachers and students negatively. The fish roots from the head, the principle was constantly worrying about less important things, for example, making the students stand when he enters the room or during a meeting discussing the behavior of students he interrupts saying he wanted to discuss something more important, the coffee machine. He is supposed to be running a school and all he is worried about is coffee and the “respect” he receives when entering a room. Another area that should be looked at is the teachers, specifically Francious, the main teacher. He has some great qualities, for example, he tries to help Souleymaneto, first by modifying an assignment, he asked Souleymaneto to use pictures to express himself, this made him more likely to succeed because he enjoyed doing the assignment. Francious even tried to protect Souleymaneto after the incident the occurred in his classroom. Francious made some mistakes, he let his temper get the best of him. He specifically singled out Louise and Esmeralda, the student representative, along with Khoumba, a student who’s attitude completely changed from the previous school year. After Francious demanded respect from Khoumba, she decided to write him a letter and leave it in his mailbox. Her letter stated that for him to ask for respect he first must have to show respect. She also told him that she would sit in the back and not speak anymore. Francious’ biggest mistake was calling the two representatives “skanks” the next day in class after they were laughing and walking in and out of the teacher’s meeting that they were supposed to be sitting in and representing the students. This incident

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