
The Colonial Incentives for Independence Essays

Decent Essays

The Colonial Incentives for Independence July 4th of 1776 is arguably the most significant day in American history. On this day, the thirteen British colonies won their independence from Great Britain, their mother country at the time. The war that allowed the colonies to gain their independence was, of course, the American Revolution. One reason the colonists’ declaration of independence was understandable was because after an extended period of salutary neglect, the British started imposing laws on the colonies. Another reason was that the British violated colonists’ rights by implementing the Proclamation of 1763. A third and final reason the colonies were correct in breaking away from Great Britain was that although the …show more content…

These taxes and laws angered the colonies as they had adapted to isolation and started to become more independent.
A second reason was because the colonists’ rights were violated when the British passed the Proclamation of 1763. This law was passed after the French and Indian War ended in 1763. It restricted colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. Great Britain passed this law in order to avoid quarrels with the Native Americans, but more importantly to control its colonies. The British wanted to continue its system of mercantilism where the colonies could provide raw materials to Great Britain, which guaranteed the market for exports. The colonists’ western expansion was being stopped and at the same time laws and taxes were being inflicted on them. The restrictions that the British set for expanding westward and their sudden involvement made colonists feel like their rights were being violated.
Finally, the thirteen colonies had the right to secede from Great Britain because of their lack of representation in British Parliament. After the Molasses Act, the Quartering Act, and the Stamp Act were passed, the colonists cried out the well-known expression, “No taxation without representation.” The colonists

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