
The Congress Debates Over Immigration Reform

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After hearing the news, I felt as if my worries were crawling right back up to my shoulders. As if I was at the top of the mountain and then had someone push back down. Finding out that the Senate has plans to take down the DACA was as if they were closing the doors to my success. As the Congress debates over immigration reform, August the 15th marks the second anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. On the 15th of August 2012, President Obama began a policy calling for deferred action towards certain young individuals who came to the United States as children and are known as Dreamers(LOGOS). This policy allows this group of people to have similar rights that are initially reserved for the citizens of the United States, like applying for employment or having a social security. The Daca program also secures the young dreamers from deportation.

The Senate wants to eliminate the DACA program, but I believe that it’s crucial to keep it because there are many young students that need it to continue to succeed. Which should not be done away with even after Obama’s administration’s time runs out.

I have to say that I am one of the beneficiaries of the DACA program relief. I am a DACA student as well. It is an undeniable fact that most of the immigrants in the United States came from their countries of origin not out of choice, but because of trials and tribulations. Reasons for leaving their homelands vary, but the most common are civil war

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