
The Constitution Of The United States

Decent Essays

While a great number of democratic governments from all over the world inevitably succumbed beneath the grasp of a despot, there one country that was able to elude a tyrant in its government by shielding against such corruption. During the period of May 25, 1787 to September 17, 1887, fifty-five US delegates convened in Philadelphia to write the Constitution of the United States of America, which was a new form of government that would replace the United States’ earliest government called the Articles of Confederation. As a young nation, the scrappy American country witnessed the futility in the Articles of Confederation to which it did a poor job in granting the national government with sufficient authority. This resulted with catastrophic displays of disharmony and negligence of government demands in the country, in which was mostly manifested in Shay 's Rebellion of 1787. Consequently, American politicians understood how feeble the Articles of Confederation were in establishing order; they knew that the weak government would eventually lead them to anarchy. Nonetheless, as much the country needed a stronger enforcer of laws, the framers of the Constitution also took into consideration the possibility for tyranny to infiltrate their government. It was a challenge to establish a strong main power that presided over an entire country yet simultaneously prevent an abuse of power from a dictator, otherwise characteristics of a cruel, unjust, and oppressive rule would occur.

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