
The Constrained Court Model Created By Gerald N. Rosenberg

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The Constrained Court model created by Gerald N. Rosenberg, proves that the courts are weak, powerless, and ineffective for change among race, class and gender ideologies.. Using Lisa Frohmann’s article, Convictability and Discordant Locales; in which she is ‘reproducing race, class and gender ideologies in Prosecutorial Decision-making’. Frohmann uses ‘discordant locales’ as a bridge to describe how prosecutors work in sexual assault cases. Rosenberg and Frohmann demonstrate that the courts are not effective unless they overcome these constraints, set in the constrained court model. According to Rosenberg and Frohmann social reform is nearly unachievable, through the district attorney and victim cross examination interview and jury assumptions. As Rosenberg specified in order to establish social reforms the following constraints; limited nature of constitutional rights lack of judicial independence, judiciary’s lack of power implantation and inability to develop appropriate policies need to be eradicated.

The Dynamic Court view’s claim that a major contribution of the courts in civil rights was to give the issue clarity, press political elites to act, poke the consciences of whites, legitimate the grievances of blacks, and fire blacks up to act is not demonstrated. In all the places examined, where evidence supportive of the claim should exist, it does not. The concerns of clear acknowledgement, time, and increased press coverage all cut against the theory.

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