
The Controversial Issue Of Genetically Modified Foods

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There are several controversial issues confronting us today; from Universal Healthcare (Obama Care) to Stem Cell research, to vaccinations, to genetically engineered (GE)/genetically modified (GM) foods. However, I shall look at genetically modified foods as the controversial issue for this article. I shall look at an article from the mass media about this controversial public health issue and place emphasis on the message the document wants to convey and address any biases that may be within. In addition, I shall provide additional data or facts from another article to see if it supports or refutes the controversial message. It is my intention that this article will provide some clarity on genetically modified foods confronting us in the United States and the world over. Since the successful cloning of Dolly, the sheep, in July 5, 1996, Biotechnology has been praised and castigated at the same time. It has been the center of controversies and has come under fire from scientific communities, political leaders, religious leaders, and public interest groups. Ethical and moral issues have been the leading causes of this controversial topic from the scientific community, political leaders, and religious leaders. However, fear, misinformation, or lack of knowledge about gene manipulation or genetic engineering seems to be the leading concerns of public interest groups. When you hear the term "Genetically Modified Foods," what is the thought that comes to mind? Is it cancer?

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