
The Corporation

Decent Essays

The Corporation was made in 2003, it is a Canadian documentary film written by University of British Columbia by a law professor Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott. The documentary examines the modern-day corporation. Bakan also wrote the book, The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, during the filming of the documentary
The film was nominated for over 26 international awards, and won the World Cinema Audience Award: Documentary at the Sundance Film Festival, 2004, along with a Special Jury Award at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) in 2003 and 2004.
The film made me wonder, where once we used to shop at our local shop and have bread and milk delivered by the local milkman from the local farms, now we shop in a superstore that is worldwide, eat at fast food restaurants that are everywhere and wear clothes made in the third world by those living in sweatshops. This documentary looks at the Corporation as if it was a person, charting its expansion, its character and the belongings the idea of income driven corporations has had on the world we live in. …show more content…

The film allows the CEOs to get a fair chance to present their opinions and it never demonizes any of them, the vast majority of them actually come off as very nice guys who seem to genuinely want to be ethical, environmental etc. Not only does this give the film a balanced feel but it also makes the subject scarier. The film is not perfect of course and, looking around the audience after the film, it is evident that this film has mostly played too converted rather than winning new converts in the main. I guess I preferred the ending to the alternative of being told to eat mung beans and make our own clothes but it is easy to feel that we just have to believe what we are being told is

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