
The Costing Method Is An Accounting Process

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A1. Costing Method Costing Method is an accounting process that assesses itemized input costs of production and fixed costs to determine overall costs of production. (Kucera, n.d.) Competition Bikes is performing this analysis so management can determine the optimum sales units to breakeven from its San Diego plant based on the current sales mix of 9 Titanium bicycles for every 5 CarbonLite bicycles produced. Traditional costing is an easily implemented costing method that aligns with generally accepted accounting principles, GAAP. Traditional costing is the distribution of manufacturing overhead costs across the number of products produced based or another volume based metric. Traditional costing is very simplistic in the fact that it doesn’t allocate out any nonmanufacturing costs. Traditional costing allocates costs to generic buckets such as direct material, direct labor and other overhead. Activity based costing (ABC) was developed as a costing method to overcome the weaknesses of traditional costing. ABC allocates costs to every activity, or manufacturing task, associated in the production of an item. ABC is more accurate than traditional costing. Competition Bikes grouped the following as tasks associated with the manufacturing of bicycles; Factory Setups, Quality Control, Engineering Service, Product Movements, Utilities, and Depreciation. (Johnson, n.d.) In Competition Bikes data analysis of traditional verses activity based costing, the differences in costs is

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