
The Dangers Of Genetically Modified Organisms

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The Dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms

GMO’s or genetically modified organisms are living organisms such as fruits or vegetables whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated through genetic engineering, this often includes inserting genetic material from another organism of a different species. The use of GMO’s is becoming more and more prevalent in the United States although long-term studies of their effects have yet to be done. The production of GMO’s is dangerous, the modifying traits of a specific plant for consumption for the benefit of production and business is unnatural. Although the use of GMO’s has increased production and lowered costs for some foods, the long-term effects are dangerous to not only the consumer but also the environment. Some have even said that “the environmental and health risks outweigh the benefits” (Beckrich).
The act of injecting a trait into another organism so it can continuously produce that specific trait is unnatural. While some are arguing that the use of the modified organisms is beneficial for reasons such as stronger crops that not only produce more, but also are pest resistant. However, the dangers have failed to be mentioned such as health risks and the complete extinction of some plants. For example, some plants are being created with built in pesticide that will prevent farmers from having to spray their crops with harmful pesticide. The plant however, has the pesticide inside of it, which is then sold to

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