
The Debate About Information Freedom

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Pros and cons of WikiLeak The debate about information freedom has become fiercely contested with the advent of WikiLeaks. Wikileaks is a non-profit organization which collects original resources and publishes on the website. It provides a secure platform for whistleblowers. Some people consider Julian Assange (leader of WikiLeaks) as a hero who has provided a platform to uncover the truth. This essay discusses the pros and cons for the issue. In 1971, The NewYork Times and Washington Post newspapers convened hundreds of people from the politics, press, law and academia, spending 20 days, in order to expose a secret document with 47 volumes and 7000 pages to the public (Douglas 2011). However, 39 years later, on 28th November 2010, according to its official website, WikiLeaks released 251,287 United States embassy cables, including 15,652 secret classified cables in one night. It claims that it is the largest activity ever to publish large-scale documents(Wikileaks, 2010). It is acknowledged that internet strengthens the power of a single group to spread an idea and reveal the truth. Based on the open platform, small groups or individuals, like Wikileaks, play greater roles in the information freedom. The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) announces an official statement on its website which declares that Wikileaks is crucial to assist keeping government and corporations transparent (APC, 2010). As is stated on its website, the goal of WikiLeaks is to bring

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