
The Democratic Party And The Whig Party

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During the time periods between the 1830s and 1840s, two political parties: the Democratic party and the Whig party had faced the challenges among their ideological differences on the role of federal government in the economy and the westward expansion, but did compromise in certain ways. The one-party system of Monroe’s presidency had led to the creation of a two-party system under the presidency terms of Andrew Jackson. The supporters of President Jackson were known as the Democrats and the supporters of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, rivals of Jackson, came to be known as the Whigs. The Democrats were influenced by Thomas Jefferson, whereas the Whigs were influenced by Alexander Hamilton. The Democrats were in favor of states’ rights and opposed the growth of a powerful central government. Democrats also favored in rapid territorial and external growth. The Whigs were in favor of a stronger federal government that was dominated by Congress. Whigs also favored gradual territorial expansions and internal improvements. In future reference, the Democratic and Whig party created the two political parties in which we see today, the Democratic and Republican Party. To start off, Henry Clay and the Whigs “… developed a platform called the American System, which advocated increased powers for Congress; strong central control over foreign affairs and military issues; high tariffs and a national bank to build the economy; and extensive infrastructure improvements—financed and

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