
The Design And Development Of The Architecture For The Modern Web Architecture

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History of REST
Since 1994, the REST architectural style has been used to guide the design and development of the architecture for the modern Web (Roy T. Fielding, 2000)

When HTTP , Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI), was being developed by the Internet Engineering Taskforce there was a need for a model to be created of how the WWW should actually work.

This idealized model of the interactions within a web application, is what was then later referred to as the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style and it became the foundation for the modern Web architecture, providing the guiding principles by which flaws in the preexisting architecture could be identified and extensions validated prior to deployment. (Roy T. Fielding., et al., 2005)

World Wide Web
Initially the web was meant for researchers but around 1993 it became evident that more entities were likely to use it as usage was starting to spread to campus dorms, clubs houses personal home pages and later to the institutions and commercial companies.
When individuals started publishing their personal information, on different topics they felt fanatic about this social network effect started a rapid growth of sites that still goes on to this day. Commercial interest also was beginning, but it was evident by then that the ability to publish on an international wide scale would be inevitable to business and related entities.

Despite this initial success that was being witnessed, a concern came to the

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