
The Dieppe Raid Essay

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The Dieppe Raid

 At dawn of 19th August 1942, six thousand and one hundred Allied soldiers, of whom roughly five thousand were Canadians, landed at the French port of Dieppe in their first major test of the defence of the German-held coastline of Europe since Dunkirk. A combination of over-rigid planning, inadequate communication; lack of supporting firepower; and in the final hour before the raid, absolute bad luck inflicted on the Allies made the Dieppe raid one of their worst defeats in World War Two.
The codename given to the operation was ‘Jubilee’ and its aim was to capture Dieppe to provide the
Allied war planners with the vital information about the enemy preparedness for the Russians to relieve their …show more content…

A fairly considerable assault fleet was being built up, and although
Combined Operations Headquarters (C.O.H.Q) had experience of small operations employing infantry landing ships and assault and mechanized landing craft, there were now available also tank landing craft which had not yet been under fire; and there had been no experience of what was involved in handling a fleet of all these types in action. At this point the planning for the raid seemed a purely
British conception without any argument form other Allied force Commanders (Robertson, 72). For the main assault force, C.O.H.Q called upon the services of the 2nd Canadian Division, under the command of Major-General John Hamilton Roberts. The Canadian government knew its men were frustrated and demoralized by inactivity, pressured the British government to send them into action at the earliest opportunity-Dieppe (Whitehead, 65). While the Canadians were assembling and beginning their training in the Isle of Wight, detailed planning was proceeding in London, under the direction of
Lord Louis Mountbatten, the three Force Commanders, and the General Montgomery. During this phase the original outline plan was materially altered. The most important change was the mistake of eliminating the heavy air bombardment. At the same time it was agreed that briefing of the plan should be deferred until the last possible moment, which should

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