
The Early Middle Ages : The Fall Of The Dark Ages

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After the fall of the Roman Empire at the end of the 5th Century Europe drastically changed. Europe entered what we now refer to as the Early Middle ages or the Dark Ages. The Dark ages were a time between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Italian Renaissance. There was a widespread collapse in learning throughout this time. Literacy practically disappeared and the evolution of lordship emerged. Manorialism was an economic, social and administrative system that was based on the ownership of land. It created two basic classes: the great land-owning class and the class of semi-free land tilling peasants. These peasants were often called serfs. They were not slaves but they were also not completely free. They had to stay in whatever village they were in and were loyal to that lord. Lords, were the owners of the manor that the serfs worked and lived on. They were often very rich and powerful and had command of their own army’s. Lordship was an unpolitical form of power based on personal will, coercive force and loyalty oaths. Towns had become obsolete at this time and there were hundreds of different villages. These villages were not very big, they were made up of about fifty to five hundred people. Lords made up one to two percent of the population, while serfs made up about ninety-five percent. The origin of the serfs came from the end of the Roman Empire. The status of farmers was declining while, at the same time, the status of slaves was improving. Slaves started to

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