
The Earth 's Oceans And Its Impact On Earth

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The earth’s oceans are overfished. Nearly 80 percent of commercial fisheries are overexploited and some experts believe that global fisheries will completely collapse by 2048 (Barkin page 1). While these are just facts that tell the worst-case scenario, they should be alarms that spark change in the way we fish. This paper, however, will specifically target overfishing in the Grand Banks in Newfoundland, Canada, and analyze its impact on Earth, its Environment and Humanity. Over fishing is simply when fishermen catch more fish than are being reproduced. Eventually the stock of fish in the environment will be completely depleted. That is exactly what happened off the shores of Newfoundland in 1992. With Cod fishing at an all time high, the Canadian government discovered that the Cod population was almost exhausted. New technology and poor decision-making led to the complete destruction of the cod population in the Grand Banks and this is a mistake that we should never repeat. Cod was once the main commodity and Northern Canada’s economy heavily depended on it. Fish account for 15 percent of global consumption of animal protein, and Newfoundland is no exception (Barkin 2). Cod had been fished in North America for centuries, as it is the perfect commercial fish. They are easy to catch due to the fact that they give little resistance to lines and nets. In addition, they are high in protein. Cod was so huge in Canada that at its peak it was a $500-million-a-year industry

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