
The Economic Impact Of Hurricane Katrina On New Orleans

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On the morning of August Twenty-ninth, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana and the Gulf Coast region. The storm brought the water to about twenty feet high, swallowing eighty percent of the New Orleans city immediately. The flood and torrential rainstorm wreaked havoc and forced millions of people evacuate from the city. According to the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, Katrina caused approximately one hundred and eight billion dollars in damage. Hurricane Katrina was one of the most destructive disasters have ever occurred in the United States, but it also revealed a catastrophic government at all levels’ failure in responding to the contingency.
Within days Katrina struck New Orleans, the lack of efficient mismanagement …show more content…

The preamble states the idea that the federal government’s purpose is to provide protection and benefits for the whole nation. As the matter of fact, Katrina did not only bring destruction to only Louisiana but also damaged many other states such as Florida and Mississippi. Moreover, it caused severe economic damage to the U.S oil industry and agriculture in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil price greatly fluctuated. West Texas Intermediate reached its high oil price record of seventy dollars per barrel. All of crops exportation passed through the Gulf shut down after the hurricane. Considering these factors, Hurricane Katrina affected the peaceful relationship between several states and threatened the country’s economic interest. It is definitely a national-level affair, which comes within the jurisdiction of the federal government.
In addition, the federal government should fulfill its obligation in return of citizen’s taxation. Article. I. Section. 8 specifically enumerates the power belonged to the congress, which refers to the federal …show more content…

In the time of Katrina, this idea made federal government believed that their nonintervention was justified, causing the misunderstanding between governments at all level and the failure of efficient disaster aid. However, considering the purpose of the Constitution, this is a misinterpretation of the Tenth Amendment. The Tenth Amendment is not a reason for federal government to refuse offer common Defence and welfare to each states. The Bill of Right that contains Tenth Amendment serves to limit the abusive power of the federal government. It creates a Constitutional system includes big and small government with balanced power and the right to check each other. This idea does not conflict with the federal government’s original intentions as how the preamble and Article. I. Section. 8 declares. In fact, the Tenth Amendment indicates the federal government assistance to the state and local government’s work. Before and after the disaster, the federal government should provide help to coordination with states

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