
The Effect Of Enzyme Amylase On The Commercial World And It

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The enzyme, Amylase is significant to the commercial world and it is important to know the optimal conditions for amylase activity to be able to use amylase efficiently. To determine the optimal temperature for both fungal and bacterial amylase, an Iodine test was used to visually measure starch catalysis. A mixture of starch and amylase, either bacterial or fungal, were placed in four different temperatures, 0⁰C, 25⁰C, 55⁰C, and 85⁰C, and then added to iodine to observe amylase activity. A light yellow color means a weak presence of starch which indicates a high activity rate for amylase while a dark blue-black color means a strong presence of starch which indicates a low activity rate for amylase. Observed was an optimal temperature of 55⁰C for bacterial amylase which showed the lightest yellow color and an optimal temperature around 25⁰C for fungal amylase which showed the lightest yellow color.
Enzymes are biological catalysts that regulate chemical reactions which accomplish a constant production of energy that all biological processes require. These proteins are vital to maintaining functionality in people’s daily lives and the absence of an enzyme can cause detrimental harm in the form of illness or even death (Alberte, Pitzer, Calero 49). Enzymes are also used commercially to improve the standard of living. Amylase, for example, an enzyme that is used to break down protein and starch: a storage polysaccharide, is among the most important that have been

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