
The Elder Scrolls Vs Skyrim

Decent Essays

In honor of Bethesda, I am going to review their latest game, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I have mentioned in my review of Fallout 3; I have played a little bit of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion so I have little knowledge of the franchise’s lore. Rather than my other two reviews, I will not elaborate too much for some of the game mechanics are like Fallout as well as everyone on the planet has heard about this game.
This game is the next chapter of the Elder Scrolls saga arrives once again from the Bethesda Game Studios, taking place after Oblivion. Skyrim imagines the open-world fantasy epic, bringing to life a complete virtual world open for you to explore any way you choose. Play as any type of character you can imagine in the fantasy …show more content…

Although this game is able to be beat within four with my friend and we were not even masters at speed runs. Even though this game is a great must own classic for the 7th generation of consoles, this game has loads of bugs and glitches. Once in awhile if you encounter a glitch it can even speed up the story. In fact, there is this one point in the game where if you hold onto a plate and walk into a wall you fall through the floor and skip about ten minutes. There are a lot of points in the game where you can just skip hours of game time with abusing the glitches. Like in Fallout 3 I got power armor and was able to use it on level eight because I walked through a boulder and encountered this random guy. This has always been a problem with all Bethesda games, the have grand open worlds, but have some many bugs and glitches in these worlds. Skyrim, however has the most enjoyable glitches and is definitely a time consuming game, you could spend hours, days, weeks or even months on completing this game. One big factor to getting this game or not is how important story is to you since like Fallout 3, the story is not always present and usually you have to look around the world to get a grasp on it. The real factor is if you like medieval themes since that is what sets this game apart the most from the Fallout series. No matter what I say though, is going to ruin this game since it able to overcome all issues of Skyrim. (Nitpick

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