
The Epidemic Of Childhood Obesity

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The epidemic of childhood obesity Childhood obesity is an important issue because of this diseases impact over the past few years. With the changing of lifestyles, the production of children who are not as healthy as they should be has increased. Due to these results, a widespread of children being obese has occurred. The Center for Disease Control, CDC, distinguishes between being overweight and being obese. Overweight simply means that the weight is high compared to others in the same height category. According to the CDC, obesity means “an excessively high amount of body fat . . . in relation to lean body mass” (CDC). There are so many factors of childhood obesity. Some might say it’s the parent and some might say that it’s from advertisements. Childhood obesity can be a combination of factors scientific, genetic, cultural, or even environmental. The debate over childhood obesity and its factors has been going on for decades. The CDC estimated that around one out of three children are obese and the numbers are on the rise. Obesity affects around seventeen percent of children in the United States. There are many other factors that can cause children to be obese like no exercise, eating junk food, being lazy, also the child’s surrounding can affect them. Some people may argue that the lifestyle changes are bigger contributions to the rising number of childhood obesity. There are many serious diseases that can a result from being obese. Although advertisements targeted

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