
The Ethics Of Drug Trials

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Drug trials are at the heart of many of today’s medical breakthroughs and advancements, thanks in no small part to the individuals that take the risk and participate in them. The standard of care that as we as a society have come to know is possible not only because of scientific breakthroughs, but also because of rigorous and thorough testing to find if a drug or treatment is not only safe but effective as well. Human drug trials can accomplish this in ways simple lab testing cannot and lead to better healthcare for all of society. But one must consider the ethics behind the practice of drug trials in modern medical research. Not only from the perspective of the participants in the trials, but also in how medical professionals present the information and carry out the trials. What ethical considerations, if any, need to be taken into account when starting and participating in a drug trial? The ethics of consent also need to be considered when examining human testing, for consent goes hand in hand with any type of drug trials and cannot be ethically or legally be separated from them. Before addressing the topic of drug trials, we first need to discuss concept of patient consent. Patient consent plays a major role in how medical professionals can treat their patients in today’s medical field. For a doctor or other medical professional to legally treat a patient they must first gain consent from the patient, this concept also applies to drug trials. There are two main forms

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