
The Events At The University Of Arkansas At Monticello Essay

Decent Essays

Throughout the last four weeks, I’ve attended several events at the University of Arkansas at Monticello. Some events were more organized than others, but each event had a different purpose and all of the events was executed well. While in high school I participated in many on and off school activities; in which taught me a valuable lesson that I later on used at the events on campus. The activities taught me good communications skills that I needed during the events. During the events I got the chance to use my communications skills that I learned by participating in activities in high school. I got the chance to interact with new people and experience new things that I never done before. Out of all the events I attended, I believed Rock the Clock was the most beneficial.
Although I think Rock the Clock was the most beneficial; I attended three more events other than Rock the Clock. The other events were Cosmic Bowling, Freshman Orientation Day Two, and the Mud Olympics. Although Rock the Clock was the most beneficial. Cosmic Bowling was on August 22nd at 7:00pm. Timberlodge Lanes sponsored the event and did a splendid job hosting the event and publicizing the event. The event was publicized in brochures, letters, and flyers. On every wall I walked by; I would see something promoting the event. Constantly seeing a reminder of the event made me not forget about the event; and actually attend it. My roommate and I left around 7:45; once we got there it was packed. We actually

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