
The Fall Of The House Of Usher

Decent Essays


The Fall of the House of Usher - A man, called by his friend Roderick Usher, seeks out the House of Usher. Upon his arrival, he is astonished by the look of the house. He enters in, finding his friend in despair. Roderick and his sister are each suffering from disease. Roderick tells the narrator that the house is sentient. The sister dies, and is interred in the house’s vault. During the week that follows, both Usher and the narrator seem to become more anxious. One night, in an attempt to allay Usher’s fears, the narrator reads a book, The Mad Trist. During the reading, certain events in the book are met with similar sounds in the house. Usher becomes more anxious as the narrator reads onward. Finally, Usher becomes irrate, declaring his sister is alive and has been alive for the longest time since interred. Usher opens the doors of the room, his sister enters seizes Usher. They both die, the narrator flees the house and watches as the house breaks apart and is consumed by the ground. …show more content…

Struck by her beauty, he marries her. Ligeia dies a few years after though. The man moves to London, marries a woman called Rowena. The marriage is loveless. Rowena becomes ill. She soon dies. During his vigil, Rowena seems to be reviving, but keeps relapsing, each relapse longer and more death-like. After numerous such revivals and relapses, the body stands and walks. The man touches her, and the bandages fall away to reveal

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