
The Federal Government Should Not Pay For Its Coverage

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by federal government would exceed the total tax income, which means government could no longer pay for its share in 2032, if not sooner. Admittedly, government can try to enrich treasury funding to fill the gap; nevertheless, unpredictable events can easily consume that extra money, such as Middle East Wars (which cost $1-3 trillion) and 2002 Tax cuts (which reduced the income by $1-2 trillion/10 years) in the past, not to mention the most recent tax cut in the end of year 2017. Because government is required to be responsible for all aspects of expenses, it can’t guarantee to continuously provide aid to health care cost.
Government funding deficit is an undeniable fact in front of government control of health care. Besides, even if the …show more content…

Then in recent years, former President Obama introduced Affordable Care Act, also know as ACA, claiming to insure all American people. CBO estimated in 2010 that 94 percent of
Americans would be insured, where that number changed to 92% in 2014, but it is noticeable that “both figures excluded those in the country illegally”. In an article by New York Times in March 2017, there was said to be about 11 million “undocumented” people in the United States. Those were the people who lived and worked in this country but were discarded by that national health insurance reformation. Though not intentionally, ACA, like Medicare and Medicaid, diminished the health care received by people, more or less. Still if we disregard the fact above, we can see that out of 47 million people who didn’t have health insurance before Obama Care, 12-15 million people benefited from it nowadays. It is indeed a great improvement for the country, but it lies far away from the government’s initial promise.
United States spend a huge expense on health care that ranks number 1 among all the countries in the world. In comparison, the rank for the health quality is not among top thirty. That difference between cost and effect has always been under debate. In this aspect, government intervention is partly responsible for two reasons of increase in cost. First, given that Medicare and Medicaid offer limited part of the price but commercial insurances can offer

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