
The Fourth Of July : A Day Of Freedom

Decent Essays

The Fourth of July is not only a day of founding but a day that symbolizes the sheer unwavering freedom displayed in The United States. What is freedom? Who deserves this freedom? How does one say that freedom is only assessable to a select few and denied to an entire population? Freedom is described as “the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” So how does a country that celebrates freedom every Fourth of July continue to deny many of the most basic freedoms and rights to so many. The divide in The United States was the main rift during the time that Fredrick Douglass was given the opportunity to speak on the Fourth of July.
In his address, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" Fredrick Douglass begins with praise for the founding fathers, however, this acclaimed speech soon develops into an attack on the attitude American’s have taken in regard to slavery. It is important to note the place that Douglass presumably escaped from in saying, “The fact is, ladies and gentlemen, the distance between this platform and the slave plantation, from which I escaped, is considerable. (Douglass 50).” After establishing his own background Douglass proceeds to compare the American Revolution and the bondage Americans suffered to the current bondage and enslavement of African-Americans. This comparison and many others promote the main project of Douglass’s speech, his condemnation on America for being fictitious to its so-called once

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