
The Goal

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Executive summary The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt is about a plant manager named Alex Rogo and his quest of knowledge to make his company profitable again. Alex does this while battling family issues at home with his wife. In the beginning, Alex has no idea where he is going to start or even understand why they are losing money. Everything that he reads according to the numbers of the company says that he is running a very efficient company.
Given three months to turn the plant around, Alex turns to Jonah, his old college physics professor who has become a manufacturing consultant, and enlists his help. Jonah has a unique and potentially risky approach to addressing the problems at the plant. First, he takes what can be a complicated …show more content…

However, before they realized they needed to restrict the flow of material into the plant by having the bottlenecks control the flow, so many red tags flooded the upstream workstations that the other parts, with green tags, sat in some cases for weeks before a gap in red tags allowed them to be produced. Yellow tags were placed on parts that had gone through the bottleneck, to make sure the capacity would not be wasted by preventable errors downstream from the bottlenecks.

For the boy scout hiking group not to spread too much, Alex's children suggest use of ropes and drums. What are "ropes" and "drums" analogous to in Operations Management?
In the boy scout hiking group, Alex’s slowest person was not the first in line. The spread in the scout line was being caused by the kid who was too slow (Herbie) compared to the speed of the other kids. To change this, Alex took a different approach “tied the rope” from the first scout leading the line to the bottleneck (Herbie) limiting the distance and time between them. The ropes and drums Alex used in the plant were where he controlled entry points for material release routings that led to NCX-10 machine. The ropes choked off the release to the rate and quantity required by the NCX-10 machine to make demands for both inventory and discreet orders. Alex also changed the rules for workers on when they take breaks, moved quality inspection to the in front of bottlenecks, made

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