
The Gospel According On Isaiah

Decent Essays

The Gospel According to Isaiah Isaiah 6:5-8 Introduction: We see a book that was often quoted by Jesus and the apostles. A book that was written nearly 700 years before Christ was born. In the Six Chapter of the book of Isaiah, Isaiah gives us a record of his sacred call to the office of Prophet. His calling comes in a time of crisis in the nation. He begins by telling us that it was the year when King Uzziah had died. A king that had reign for over 50 years. Is in that time when God appear to Isaiah, he says (Verse 1) He has a vision. I saw (didn’t hear or read) The Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and His robe filled the temple. The image and the symbolic significance of what Isaiah sees upon here, is the outfit of The King like no other (status symbols). Isaiah takes the time to describe the beings that surround the King. He says (Verse2) Why 6 wings? –This Angels serve in the immediate presence of God. God creates every creature according to their environment Why they cover their face? - We see in scripture that no man can see God and live. Even these unfailing hevenly beings are equipped to shield their eyes from the blazing burning Glory of God. Why two wings to cover their feet? – when God appear to mosses and spoke to him from the burning bush, He said to him, mosses mosses take off thy shoes for the ground that now you stand, is holy ground. The response of Isaiah of this vision V.4-5 In the Old Testament, a Prophet was a human being who was

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