
The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Arik V. Russell English III Mr. Christensen Block 2 Great Gatsby Experience The book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald has been read in schools for decades. The experience is different for everyone. Some may love this book while others just purely hate it. I have to say I am in between loving and hating this book. I do like the look into the lives of the rich of the 1920s and I did enjoy the overall story. However the cheating I wasn’t fond of. I do understand that is what happens with the rich so I do enjoy the fact that it historically accurate. Another topic that I will touch upon is the drunkenness and reckless driving portrayed, quite accurately, for this time period. First, I will address, in my opinion, …show more content…

Another thing that is shown is the extravagant lifestyles the rich live. Such as Gatsby throwing parties everyday with alcohol flowing in with no end in sight. Someone at one such party is quoted as saying “I 'll drink your champagne. I 'll drink every drop of it, I don 't care if it kills me.” Their point is to show that there is enough alcoholic beverages to kill many people if consumed all at once. This also alludes to drunk driving that ultimately occurs because these people are rich and aren 't going to just walk home, no they want to show off their Model T cars and drive home. Now given that Henry Ford had started Ford Motor Company in 1903 and this book takes place in the early 1920’s, most of these people do not have excellent driving abilities while they are sober, but then add in alcohol and it becomes a horrible mess of erratic drunk drivers driving through the streets of New York. “ You 're lucky that it was just a wheel! A bad driver and not even trying!". This is a quote from chapter three and it is where party goers of one of Gatsby’s parties are gathered around a car that has wrecked in a ditch. The man driving was at Gatsby’s party and was heavily intoxicated. This quote shows how minor the accident actually is and the fact that the driver doesn’t realize he can not drive the car due to the missing wheel. Cheating runs rampant in this story. With

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