
The Heart Of Heart Attack

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The heart is the most essential biological structure in the body system; nobody can live without the heart. The major role of the heart is to pump blood throughout all the organs in the body; blood transported by the heart carries oxygen and nutrients around the body and removes all the dangerous wastes. We need oxygen to breath and nutrient to maintain our health. All muscles in the heart need oxygen to function properly. When there is a restriction of blood flow to the heart, the coronary arteries become blocked or narrow. “The blood clot that causes the heart attack usually forms at the site of rupture of an atherosclerotic, cholesterol plaque on the inner wall of a coronary artery” (Kushner, 2013). We need to protect our heart from damage by keeping the heart healthy. If the heart is damaged, then the damage will happen which can lead to death. Based on what we know, heart attack patient can have a second heart attack after the first one. Most of people do not know that the early Egyptian who had discovered heart attack and disease. Nowadays, we learn about heart attack by watching television, research on the internet, or talk to another person who has a heart attack.
Heart attack can be affect more likely to elderly, individual with a history of heart disease or risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, and those that are on long-term dialysis. On the other hand, the groups of ages that have the most affect are groups of men older than 45 and

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