
The Hebrews In Exodus

Decent Essays

In Exodus, God returns attention to the Hebrews but uses a descendent of Abraham to do so. After the death of Joseph and his brothers, the Hebrews continued to flourish in Egypt. Their numbers multiplied, which resulted in the Egyptians fearing that they would be overthrown. The Pharaoh then forced the Hebrews into slavery. After over four hundred years of not communicating with the Hebrews, God speaks with Moses through a burning bush. God tells Moses that the Hebrews will be delivered out of Egypt after facing oppression and slavery from the Egyptians. God has Moses tell the Hebrews that He is “‘The Lord, the God of [the Hebrews] ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” (Exodus 3:15). This moment acts as the

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