
The Hippocampus: The Limbic System

Decent Essays

The human brain is responsible for all of the body’s thought and movement that the body produces. The brain allows humans to interact with objects, environment, communicating and just being able to move all parts of the body. If there are problems in the brain and it is not functioning to its best standards, the ability to move, communicate and interact with objects maybe lost or difficult to do.
The brain is made up of nerve cells with send signals to the rest of the body though the spinal cord and the nervous system. Each cell relates information back to certain lobes of the brain where it is then process and the appropriate reaction will occur in the body. The brain is also made of chemicals with helps the body to maintain homeostasis (balance) …show more content…

The Limbic system contains the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus and the thalamus.
- The Amygdala: The Amygdala is a large part of the Cerebrum which is located within the temporal lobe which can be seen from the surface of the brain, this bulge is also known as the Uncus. The Amygdala helps the body to respond to emotions, memories and fear.
- The Hippocampus: The Hippocampus is located in the middle of the Limbic System; it is used for learning, memory, the ability to convert temporary memories into permanent memories to be stored in the brain.
- The Hypothalamus: The Hypothalamus controls mood, thirst, hunger and temperature. It also has glands that can control the hormonal processes in the body.
- The Thalamus: The Thalamus is located in the centre of the brain, it controls attention span, helps the body to sense pain and keeps track of the sensations that the body can feel.
Brain Stem
The brain Stem is located at the bottom, connecting the brain. All basic life functions originate in the brain stem, such as heartbeat, blood pressure and breathing. The brain stem is referred to as the most simple part of the brain and although it consists of three different parts, the Midbrain, the Pons and the

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