
The History and Role of Accounting in Business Essays

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Accounting can be defined in a number of ways, but I chose the book definition, which is; Accounting is an information system that provides reports to stakeholders about the economic activities and condition of business. The person in charge of accounting is called the accountant. The accountant is typically required to follow a set of rules and regulations. These rules and regulations are called the General Accepted Accounting Principles. Throughout these next few paragraphs, I will be giving you the history and evolution of accounting, and I will be explaining who the stakeholders are and what type of information they require, and I will be explaining the role of accounting in business. There will be many examples and type of business …show more content…

Management accounting is used to provide managers with information, so they can make informed business decisions. The next category is open-book accounting; this is defined as an accounting principle that aims to improve accounting in organizations. Tax-accounting is defined as the accounting needed to comply with jurisdictional tax regulations. In other words, tax-accounting is used to put tax on goods and services. Accounting has revolved into what every company uses today which is the equation of; Assets=Liabilties+Owners Equity. The meaning of this equation is to show companies what they own and what they owe to there creditors and everybody else. Stakeholders can be defined as a person, group, organization, or system that affects or can be affected by an organization’s actions. Examples of stakeholders in accounting are; owners, suppliers, customers, government, employees, creditors, and labor unions. These people are classified into four categories; Capital Market, Product or Service Market, Government, and Internal Stakeholders. Capital Market Stakeholders provide the major financing for the business to begin and continue its operations. Some examples of the stakeholders are banks and owners. Product or Service Market Stakeholders are buyers of products or services and vendors to the business. Examples of Product or service market

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