
The House on Mango Street and Esperanza’s Relationship with It

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Throughout the course of Mango Street, Esperanza’s relationship towards her house change. As time passes her feelings about the house itself change and the emotional impact of the house of her changes as well. Esperanza’s house on Mango Street symbolizes her Mexican culture. For so long she has wanted to leave it. She envisions a different type of life than what she is used to - moving from house to house. “this house is going to be different / my life is going to be different”. One can look at all the things she envisions - the "trappings of the good life" such as the running water, the garden etc. as symbols for the new life. In the beginning of the story Esperana is told that her new house on Mango Street will be the answer …show more content…

This new house lacks these improvements. It is no different from her previous homes.

Esperanza is forever marked by the house and neighborhood she lives in. She wants to be like other kids who are allowed to eat their lunch at school instead of having to go home everyday. These students live father from the school than she does. Esperanza assumes these children live in better houses and neighborhoods. She is embarrassed by her house and angry that she must be identified by it. As said by Sister Superior, “I bet I can see your house from my window. Which one? Come here. Which one is your house?” The sister points to an ugly row of houses in the general direction of Esperanzas address. Esperanza comes to accept her house as part of her. During the course of the book she learns, you can't leave your culture, your roots. She observes and experiences growth. She matures. She develops opinions about dress and dating. She becomes more aware about the behaviors of people around her - she develops her sense of right and wrong. In the end, when she writes that she will "leave but come back for some" . she shows that she has become more comfortable with who she is. She does not reject her culture entirely - there are aspects of it that she embraces. She will always return to the

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