
The Impact Of Climate Change On Antarctica

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Antarctica is one of the most rapid warming areas on the Earth, climate change on Antarctica is crucial to the world and the continent itself. Although climate change on Antarctica isn't widespread as it a wide place, only a small amount of impact is taking place. Some areas in Antarctica are experiencing decreases within the sea ice whereas other areas have an increase in sea ice. Both changes are causing negative impacts on wildlife. (Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, 2014) Climate change has been a continuing scientific curiosity. Climate change is raising many concerns on not only the environmental and regulatory concerns but also within the economy, health, security, safety, and food production. (UNEP, 2009)
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All in the climate is changing. Climate change has been ongoing throughout all of Earth's history, worryingly humans are now the main cause for it. Over the past decade, the average Global surface temperature rose by approximately 0.6° Celsius. (UCAR, 2015) Melting glaciers, polar ice sheets and ice caps have seen a decline, Artic sea ice extent has decreased by 2.7% per decade, snow cover and mountain glaciers have declined in both northern and southern hemispheres as shown in figure 1. (ICPP, 2007) Due to a rising increase in greenhouse gases, a hole in the ozone layer has developed, causing change in Antarctica. With a higher climate in Antarctica comes melting ice around certain regions. Due to harsh winds produced by climate change, an uproar in warmer weather has spread across the Western Coast of Antarctica, whereas other regions are facing cooling trends. We can only come to the conclusion that climate change is at its worst. So what's causing the change in climate? Fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have contributed to 75% of the climates uproar. (Max De Boo, 2002) Once they burn they release CO2 into the atmosphere. The Earth is getting warmer due to the greenhouse gas layer thickening. Nothing can resolve climate change but things can be done to reduce it from becoming lethal. Using an alternative to fossil fuels, using transport less - cycle, walk, use public transport, these are all small starting point that add up in everyone contributes. (WWF,

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