
The Impact Of Immigrants And Crime

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The notion that immigrants are responsible for the high crime rate is anecdotal. There are many factors that may play a role in the high crime and high incarceration rate here in the United States—immigration is not one of them. The dynamic of immigration and crime is a complex issue; while acknowledging that the influx of immigrants does increase the overall population and may contribute to the overall crime rate, the link between crime and deviancy among immigrants are unclear. However, there is a perception that immigrants are prone to deviancy; as cited by Bailey (2014), a study conducted on behalf of John Jay College found that 62% of Americans attributed the higher crime rates to illegal immigrants. Unfortunately, such stereotypical perspectives serve to amplify the fear and concerns of many uninformed citizens. This phobia is then exacerbated by politicians, using it as a political platform propaganda to promote their own interest. In contrast, empirical studies and scholarships have revealed stark revelations between immigrants and crime; and contrary to the general perception, much of the existed empirical data not only disproves, but is largely one-sided—immigrants have a negative impact on crime. In fact, immigrants are less prone to crime than their counterpart, native–born Americans.

The vast majority of empirical models are narrowly focused on immigrants and crime. However, it is important to point out that the more recent influx of “immigrants” are

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