
The Importance Of Premarital Sexual Intercourse

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In an increasingly secular American society, the traditional value of sexual abstinence until marriage has become obsolete. Movies, music, and media glorify promiscuous behavior, and people are putting off marriage until later in life. As American culture continues to shift towards a romanticized view of premarital sexual intercourse, one ought to ask his or herself if this is truly a morally permissible act. Personally, I find this behavior alarming, and in this essay, I hope to persuade readers as to why premarital sexual intercourse should not be accepted or encouraged. I will begin by criticizing a typical modus tollens argument pro premarital sexual intercourse advocates often present. Next, I will defend my claim that the presented argument is unsound by providing an equivalent example. I will then address a possible objection to my stance, and I will overcome this objection by examining a few of the numerous negative consequences to premarital sexual intercourse. The pro premarital sexual intercourse argument is as follows:
1) If premarital sexual intercourse is morally impermissible for adults, then it is reasonable to prohibit premarital sexual intercourse for adults (given what we know about the growth and development of young men and women).
2) It is not reasonable to prohibit premarital sexual intercourse for adults (given what we know about the growth and development of young men and women).
3) So, it is not the case that premarital sexual intercourse is

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