
The Importance Of Teaching At School Plummer Middle School

Decent Essays

Journal 1 One of the best ways someone can determine if they really would like to go into a certain field is by simply observing and talking to does already in that career. This is fairly important for a future teacher because even if you don 't realize it as a student, teaching is one of the most difficult jobs that requires a lot of patience and determination in oneself. While observing big diverse classrooms of students who have various levels of knowledge on the subjects and having the teachers trying to reflect the learning styles of all the students through the curriculum I noticed one thing they try their hardest to help every single one of those students. I have learned so much so far on many different aspects of teaching while observing these summer teachers at school Plummer Middle School. One of the most important things in the classroom are the procedures and as the teacher enforces the procedures the students must see that it is critical that the procedures become a big part of their everyday during their time in the classroom. This includes everything from where all the supplies belong within the room, to how notes are taken, to writing assignments in planners, having planners ready for permission to go to the restroom/ drink of water, classroom behaviors and expectations and consequences for good or bad actions. All these procedures are very simple and right to the point but as I observed the students I noticed that no matter how

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