
Essay about The Increase in Violence

Decent Essays

The Increase in Violence

In the year 2000 there are many problems with society. One of the biggest and most controllable is the issue of violence. Although we are subjected to violence everyday by simply turning on the news, other forms of violence for entertainment can be censored.

This is the type of violence that is corrupting the minds of today's youth and destroying the change for a peaceful future. In today's society violence is saturating the minds of children and people must learn to become involved in the problem before it is integrated into cultures around the world.

Due to the fact that violence is everywhere, people accept it because they are constantly being exposed to it. It has become a …show more content…

They think this way especially if the artist is consider a ?role model? by others. In video games, violence is animated and people do not see the reality in it. They believe that they will have another life or have the ability to start the game over. This attracts teenagers because it gives them a chance to be violent without having to deal with the repercussions. Since violence is saturating U.S. culture, nonviolence is becoming extinct. There have been numerous examples where a lives could have been saved if a solution had been made peacefully instead of violently. An example of this is Columbine High School. The two students responsible for that massacre were advocates for violence and felt anger toward the world. If parents, teachers, counselors, or even friends had taken interest into their lives then the tragedy would have never happened. Programs have been set up where students can go and work out their problems(i.e. peer mediation). In today?s world there needs to be more of a push towards nonviolence from adults and even kids. If they are taught at a young age the right way to handle a situation then violence will be able to be controlled. More than likely the entertainment industry and technology will display violence because that is what sells and people are not finding effective ways to fight the industry and change the system. All it takes is people to use their voice

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