
The Influence of Shay's Rebellion Essay

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Dana Majewski Due September 28, 2011 Mr. Klaff AP U.S

In 1776, when the United States declared independence from Britain, the new country needed a set of laws to apply to all of the states to replace the earlier British rule. The colonists, however, were concerned that if the United States put too much power in the central government the states rights would vanish. Therefore, the first form of government, the Articles of Confederation, gave too much power to the states and insufficient power to the central government. States could create their own money and refuse federal taxes, which caused many tribulations and almost destroyed the new country. In 1787, delegates from twelve states came together to revise the Articles …show more content…

Therefore, he resigned from the army unpaid and went home to find himself in court for not paying his debts. The paper money circulating Massachusetts was basically worthless which made it impossible to pay off his debts. Bands of angry farmers joined together to close law courts with force and free debtors from jail. The rebellion pointed out the weakness of the Articles of Confederation for governing the United States. The Articles could not tax the colonist’s efficiently. The central government was able to recommend taxes but the states could reject those proposed taxes. Therefore, many of the thirteen states refused to pay taxes due to the debt that they were already facing from the Revolutionary War. The lack of governmental funding, from taxes, hindered the novel nation, as there was limited money to provide regulations on trade, industry and defense. The central government attempted to form a type of paper money to fix the economic struggles. However, the money had no gold to back it up so the Continentals were worthless. Other problems included not having a universal form of money so interstate trade was made difficult, which hindered the economic ability of the new nation. Article six of the Articles of Confederation sets out those powers not available to the states. It forbade standing navies and armies, with the exception of local militias. This caused difficulty if there ever was a rebellion since there was no central power to

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