
The Intertestamental Period

Decent Essays

The “Intertestamental” period is the time between the last writings of the Old Testament and Christ’s appearance. Some refer to it as the “400 years of silence” because there was no prophetic word of God; the silence from God during 400 years from Malachi until the angel spoke to Zechariah, father of john the Baptist.
After the prophet Malachi, the prophets ceased to speak because God allow a period to pass so the teachings of the Old Testament would penetrate the world. During that period, many of the political atmosphere changed that would prepare Israel’s nation and the world for the arrival of the promised Messiah. This is why at the end of the Malachi book, the nation of Israel is again in the Promised Land after the Babylonian captivity by the Persian Empire. During this time, they allowed them to restore the temple in Jerusalem and the priesthood of Aaron line was still worshipping and serving the sacred rituals, just like when it was commanded to do the law of Moses.
In the New Testament, in the book of Matthew, we discover a very different atmosphere compare to …show more content…

They started to question and having second thoughts about the legitimacy of polytheism. Since the Jews have been conquered and oppressed more than one time, they were losing hope and faith; the moment when the Jews were convinced that the only one that could save them was the emergence of promised Messiah.
This why the significance of the Intertestamental Period (“the 400 silent years) for understanding the New Testament because it tells the story of how faith and hope came not only for the Jews, but to everybody around the world. Stories like the wise men and the Roman centurion is what demonstrated how Jesus was known as the Messiah! The moment of the birth of the Lord was the time set by God, the time by which 400 years the entire panorama of the history was

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