
The Invasion of D-Day Essay

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The invasion of D-Day is the largest joint sea born invasion in the history of the world. Although very well planned, the amphibious landings were a gamble made by the Allied forces to gain foothold in Europe. Every American has heard about the Allied invasion of German-occupied Western Europe on D-Day. However, how many Americans stop and think about how much planning, preparation and luck that went into making it the success that it is remembered for? I will attempt to depict what it took to conquer the Normandy beaches using historical and military facts that make it such an iconic event in the world’s history still today.

Japan’s surprise attack on the United States came as a complete shock. The attacks cost …show more content…

They used lessons learned from the unsuccessful Dieppe raid to assist identifying parameters for the landing site, such as: it needed to be within range of fighters from England, within reach of a major port, suitable for prolonged operations, and have beach defenses that could be suppressed with bombing and bombardment.6 The resulting answer was a section of Norwegian coast between Caen and Cherbourg.
In July 1942 the first draft of Overlord plan was completed by COSSAC, and by August the Operation Overlord plan was approved by the CCS. Lieutenant-General Dwight D. Eisenhower was appointed as Supreme Commander for Operation Overlord. General Sir Bernard Montgomery is given command of the 21st Army Group, which contains all the land forces that would be used in the invasion.
The Allies identified five separate beaches for the invasion of Normandy. The Americans would assault the two beaches in the west, named Utah and Omaha. In the east, British and Canadian forces would assault Gold, Juno, and Sword Beaches. Airborne units would be deployed to land on the flanks of Utah and Sword beaches. The main objectives planned for the first day would be to consolidate the beaches into one beach head, secure the main avenues of travel to and from the beaches, and secure the city of Caen. The following days would include fortification and expansion of the beach

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