
The Invention Of The Automobile

Decent Essays

The Invention of the Automobile, A Turning Point in History

One could argue that one of the best inventions of the 1900’s was the Model T Ford or Tin Lizzie. The invention of the automobile has certainly left an indelible mark on the American Society. Consequently, the automobile has become the center of an extraordinary industry with the assembly lines and mass production techniques. These elements have essentially revolutionized the automobile industry. The Model T Ford made car travel affordable for the working class. In 1914 the average American worker made $11 per week. Previously, cars were seen as a novelty only the wealthy could afford. Ford was able to keep car prices down through efficient fabrication vs. personal hand crafting and assembly line production. Ford once announced to the world, “I will build a motor car for the great multitude”. Detroit would become the motor capital of America with the creation of this enormous industry.
Henry Ford grew up during the period of the Civil War. He was raised on a prosperous farm. There he learned the values of hard work and responsibility. He loved to tinkle with things and realized his mechanical abilities early. One of his hobbies and loves became watch repairs. He never had any formal education and could not read easily or write. Ford knew he did not want to make his living as a farmer. Luckily his mechanical genius took him in another direction.
Henry Ford was the first to put rubber tires on the car wheels. He

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