
The Issue The Categories Of Threat May Affect Auditor Independence

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Question 1:
The fact / Issue The categories of threat may affect to auditor independence. Explanation The safeguards
Situation 1:
- The Board of Directors of LTH would like to invite Geoff to give a speech to support the business promotion of LTH to attract more investors into the LTH.
- The Board expressed the view that it would be very difficult for LTH to continue its business commitments with CJ if it refused to provide such support. Intimidation threats

Advocacy threats “Advocacy threats occurs when members promote a position or opinion on behalf of a client to the extent that the subsequent objective may be compromised” (CPA 2013)
The face LTH would like to invite Geoff give a speed to attract the inventors to LTH, where may …show more content…

APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants Para 290,146 and 290. 143 considers the threats in this situation to be so significant that no safeguard measure can reduce
Threats to an acceptable level. Commitment is not accepted.
In the case of enterprise auditing clients, this kind of relationship is also prohibited by APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (CPA 2013)

Situation 2 :
To show the sincerity of the LJ to CJ and Geoff, and to maintain a good relationship with a thoroughly audited expectation in 2015, LTH would like to offer a 14-day free buy for four Greeks. With both Geoff and your family. All costs (accommodation and travel will be paid by LHT) Self- interest threats

Familiarity threats

CPA conforms that “The threat of Self- interest may occur due to the financial or other benefits of an accountant or of a family member either directly or intimately. Auditors may be dependent on the supplier; This may affect the behavior of the auditor. In addition, have close relationships with the client that will be the reason affect to independent audit” (CPA 2013).
So if CJ and Geoff accept this offer from LHT that will be the reason rise Self- interest threats.
Besides, in order to build a good relationship with a thoroughly audited expectation in 2015 , that may rise Familiarity threats lead to affect independent audit (CPA 2013)

Evaluation under APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants Para 290. 143

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