
The Keystone XL Pipeline Negatively Impacts the Environment and the People in It

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The Keystone XL Pipeline Negatively Impacts the Environment and the People in It

The Canadian Keystone XL Pipeline is harmful and should not be encouraged by anyone, especially the Canadian government. The Keystone XL is harmful to the environment that surrounds the Keystone XL pipeline. Also shouldn’t be encouraged because the Keystone XL may cause pollution. Lastly, the Keystone XL Pipeline shouldn’t be encouraged because the Keystone XL pipeline negatively affects the health of citizens. The Canadian Keystone XL pipeline shouldn’t be encouraged because it negatively impacts the surrounding environment, it causes pollution, and it negatively affects the health of citizens. The Canadian Keystone XL pipeline should not be …show more content…

This means the potential for leakage could be high, damaging the ecosystems surrounding the pipeline; therefore, the Keystone XL shouldn’t be encouraged. The Keystone XL pipeline negatively impacts the environment by potentially leaking oil, being too close to important aquifers, and not being regulated properly, this is why the Keystone XL pipeline shouldn’t be encouraged. The Keystone XL pipeline also shouldn’t be encouraged because the Keystone XL causes pollution. Firstly, the Keystone XL could cause pollution because it adds to carbon pollution. The Keystone XL will add “1.3 million to 27.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions each year” (Jenkins, pg.1). The Keystone XL increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; potentially aiding in problems such as global warming, due to this, the Keystone XL should not be encouraged. Secondly, the Keystone XL pipeline adds to pollution because the Keystone XL adds to climate pollution. The Keystone XL adds to climate pollution because according to billionaire activist Tom Steyer, “Keystone XL fails his [Barack Obama] climate test” (Koring, pg.1). The Keystone XL failed Obama’s climate tests, changing the weather and potentially melting ice caps and causing floods, due to this; the Keystone XL should not be encouraged. Lastly The Keystone XL pipeline causes

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