
The Law For Global Business

Decent Essays

Ethic Issue Paper

MBA511 Law for Global Business
Instructor: Robert Richards
Student: Yan Gao
November 10 , 2014 I. Question: Do multi-national corporations (MNE 's) have a social and ethical responsibility beyond the legal requirements of trying to maximize stockholder value (making profits), adhering to contracts, and obeying the laws of the different countries where they operate? The rapid development of economy promotes the development of multinational companies, which have become a general form rather than a special form of a company. Multinational companies carry a lot of money, production technology, management expertise and sales channels to expand their business around the world. There is no doubt that multinational companies will become the subject of an act of international relations and play an increasingly large impact on international relations. Ethics are ideas about good and evil, right and wrong, emotions and behavior, including moral awareness, moral relationships and moral practice. Nowadays ethics, jurisprudence and politics are restricting the external behavior of multinational companies to ensure international security, maintain global stability and promote human development, playing an essential so-called “high politics” role. The importance of ethics becomes more obvious than any time for multinational companies. Their pressure of international business ethics rules due to economic globalization increases. Daily News, the best ranked,

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