
The Levees Broke

Decent Essays

When the Levees Broke is about Katrina and how New Orleans was affected, but not only by the storm, but by the levees that were built to protect them. After the storm had hit and they were picking up what little pieces were left of New Orleans, it became know that even the levees that were possibly built for a level three storm broke down from a level one storm. New Orleans was told to be ready for the storm, but they weren’t even close. The images shown in the documentary only showed the half of it none of us will truly understand what it was actually like expect those who were really there.
New Orleans itself is 10 feet below sea level. This only makes me wonder why even build a city there when there wont even proper conditions for one yet alone live there after experiencing the first hurricane that had hit them. When they were first told of that Hurricane Katrina would be hitting them, FEMA aka Federal Emergency Management Agency said they were ready for the news. Making people feel more relaxed about what was about to come. After being announced that Katrina had turned into a category five people started cleaning up their yards and boarding up the windows. The citizens were ordered to evacuate a bay before the storm and if they didn’t evacuate they were on their own. Along with that they were also told to write their social security on their arm with permanent marker in order to identify their bodies. I was definitely shocked about this information, why wouldn’t they

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