
The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka

Decent Essays

From ‘The Metamorphosis’ by Franz Kafka, I believe that Gregor, if given the chance, would relive his life. Gregor could use this second chance to pay more attention to himself and his own needs, spend more time at home with his family, and attempt to find a profession that he actually wants . In the story, Gregor is introduced in a state of sorrow. Gregor lives a life of overloaded responsibility with a lack of appreciation for his efforts and money contributions to his family. First, Gregor should take care of himself and his own needs. Gregor only cared about the needs of others, especially his own family. He paid all his attention to the necessity of money for his family and the strict requests of his boss. Gregor was so invested in the needs of others that he could no longer give reasons for his own. This led Gregor to become sickly and depressed, which he never even realized. Overall, I believe Gregor’s selflessness led to his metamorphosis. …show more content…

Gregor should spend more time with his family. Gregor was very misunderstood by his family, but especially his father, and did not have the best relationship with the rest of his family. Although Gregor was giving his family money, if he had worked less and been more family involved, I believe the family would have been much happier as a whole. Gregor’s family was more focused on their wealth and reputation, opposed to the actual important things in life like family. Gregor wanted the best for each person in his family, so much that he saved up all the money he could to so his sister Grete could go to music college as a violinist. If the family had been interested in what Gregor was doing and thinking they would have seen him as an important part of the family, rather than just a source of

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