
Developmental Stages In The Movie Parenthood

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In the movie Parenthood (1989), many developmental stages can be observed. With that being said, one character that can be observed is Gil who is middle-aged adult. Gil has a beautiful wife and 3 children. In Santrock (2016, pp. 362-363) security, love, loyalty, and emotional interests are important during middle adulthood. Both Gil and his wife (Karen) believe that they have raised their children the correct way, but it can be seen that some people in his family think otherwise. He also has 2 sisters and 1 brother. In addition, he has a mother, father, nieces/nephews, and a brother-in-law. According to Santrock (2016, p. 342), during middle-aged adulthood adults normally reach peak position at their jobs, but in this case the promotion that Gil wanted was given to someone else, so Gil struggled with this concept of not moving up. Also, his household seems to be hectic and not perfect, but somehow he pushes through (Parenthood, 1989). According to Santrock (2016, p. 354), Erickson’s developmental stage that pertains to Gil is generativity vs. stagnation. In this stage, adults feel a sense of wanting to leave their legacy when they are gone (generativity), but at the same time feel as though they have not done anything for the next generation (stagnation). In the movie Parenthood (1989), Gil can be seen exhibiting this developmental stage in various scenes, but there is one seen in particular that stands out. Him and his wife are called to school for a meeting with the

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